The problem is getting the WWAN interface working... I have a choice of using a 4G/LTE modem or or the onboard WWAN card but getting either working with FreeBSD has proved to be an insurmaountable barrier so far.
Focus on that for the time being. Once you get it working it's not going to be difficult to set up the internet sharing. There are plenty of examples on how to do that.The problem is getting the WWAN interface working...
You may find you get a better response if you identify specifics of the devices you are having trouble with. Make, manufacturer, model. Also, including the relevant dmesg output that shows what FreeBSD actually sees of the devices can help.
Most modems would show up underusbconfig
and you would need to see if its supported from that output.
then you can query the SIMIt is transparent to FreeBSD. The SIM does not matter. The modem talks to the SIM via USB.
? cu -l /dev/cuaU0.2
for me. You need to find the command channel.Most modems would show up underusbconfig
and you would need to see if its supported from that output.
ugen4.2: <Mini Card Sierra Wireless, Incorporated> at usbus4, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=FULL(12Mbps) pwr=ON (0mA)
cu -l /dev/cuaU0.2
cu -l /dev/cuaU4.2
but got 'No such file or directory'.at!gstatus?
Current Time: 1767 Temperature: 30
Bootup Time: 0 Mode: ONLINE
System mode: LTE PS state: Attached
LTE band: B2 LTE bw: 15 MHz
LTE Rx chan: 925 LTE Tx chan: 18925
EMM state: Registered Normal Service
RRC state: RRC Idle
IMS reg state: No Srv
RSSI (dBm): -80 Tx Power: 0
RSRP (dBm): -110 TAC: 5403 (21507)
RSRQ (dB): -13 Cell ID: 00E06B07 (14707463)
SINR (dB): 2.2
Manufacturer: Sierra Wireless, Incorporated
Model: MC7354
Revision: SWI9X15C_05.05.16.02 r21040 carmd-fwbuild1 2014/03/17 23:49:48
MEID: 3592xxxxxxxxxx
ESN: 12801654587, 80193F3B
IMEI: 3592xxxxxxxxx
FSN: J8511200850410