Keyboard error with login

Hi all,

I've got a very strange issue. When I start my computer, I login with slim. But when I type first character of my login, system is doing a completion for me. I mean it's like I keep my finger on the keyboard.

Ex :

Login : r

It will show : rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I put off slim in rc.conf, restart my computer, and in a shell it's the same thing.

I've to disconnect/connect my keyboard, and all is fine after.

If someone have an idea ...

Thank you for your help :)
Well perhaps you messed up xset in ~/.xinitrc

For example
xset r rate 50 200
will make keyboard very hard to use.

xset  r rate 150 50
is ok
Thanks for your answer.

But without any x loguer(gdm, slim, xdm), only console, same issue ... :\