Keep FreeBSD to run, while the laptop is folded

Hi Everyone,

Usually, if you have an OS running in a laptop, if you fold the laptop, the system will be on hibernate state automatically. In my current state, If I fold my laptop and I re-open it again, the system will hang (mouse and keyboard are not running, it will be like a screenshot of the last desktop view).

My questions are:
1. How to set my system to be automatically go into hibernate state whenever the laptop is folded?

2. Is there anyway to set the system to keep running while the laptop is folded (and it wont hang whenever it's opened)?

My current system = FreeBsd 8.0-Release-p2
Laptop = Lenovo T61

Thank you
Thank you for your reply SirDice,

I have followed your instruction, the hotkey buttons are working, however the system still hangs (freeze) whenever the laptop is folded (closed)..

Is there any advice to solve this?

Thank you again in advance,..
Us Thinkpad users are the fortunate ones where ACPI (mostly) works. Have a look at the sysctl hw.acpi.lid_switch_state. If it's set to S3 the laptop will hibernate. Try setting that to S0 (I haven't tried this, and my T42 will be booted into windows for a while yet)
Hi Loop, thanks for the reply,..

I've followed your instruction, it is still hang,.. I think it fails on resume,..
Hi Loop, thanks for your reply,..

does that mean I set the BIOS before going into system (FreeBSD) or inside the system? Can I get detail on how to do that?

Furthermore, I'd like to clarify my question,... How do I set FreeBSD to PREVENT it to suspend/hibernate?

Thank you in advance,..
maulana23 said:
Hi Loop, thanks for your reply,..

does that mean I set the BIOS before going into system (FreeBSD) or inside the system? Can I get detail on how to do that?

Furthermore, I'd like to clarify my question,... How do I set FreeBSD to PREVENT it to suspend/hibernate?

Thank you in advance,..

Yep, as you power on the laptop hit the F12 key and get into the BIOS settings.
Hi guys, thanks for your reply,..

I've finally found the solution to prevent suspend on my laptop,..

I added the following line to/etc/sysctl.conf

DutchDaemon said:
You may also have this one:

Hi DutchDaemon, I have tried this as well, but it is still resulting of system hangs,..

warudemaru said:
Suspend/Resume should work with
in /boot/loader.conf you may also set it in loader command line

Hi Warudemaru, I also tried this as well, with the code has been told by DutchDaemon and Loop, but resulting if the laptop is closed, the system will reboot,..

So, just to let the system to keep running while the laptop is closed I have put the following code to /etc/sysctl
and with that code, the question number 2 is solved,.. but basically that is what I was looking for,..

Thank you everyone for the great responses,..