KDE6 Wayland Themes

Busy with setting up laptop for my 6 yo, I got KDE6 with Wayland running, but I wanted to change theme to Scratchy, but nothing really seems to happen. Which files should I be looking at for errors and or clues why this doesn't work?
Not sure about changing the theme

But a lot of people on the forum have been trying to get KDE6 with Wayland working on Freebsd 14

So just a heads up that you will most likely get a few questions on how you got it working
iRobbery : Do you think that's a good idea to write a tutorial for us ? we can't help you since we haven't been able to do what you did. You are alone. If you want to be helped,logic suggests that we should reach your level before to be able to help you.
Well I can just say I followed the handbook for installing Wayland with wayfire (6.2 and 6.3), build i915 driver from ports and use Ly the login manager (6.8).

6.2 and 6.3 (did not from

install ly from package

Build this from ports (core i5)

Only thing I really changed was in /usr/local/etc/ly/config.ini

wayland_cmd = wayfire -c ~/.config/wayfire/wayfire.ini

-- edit 1

forgot to mention kde6 but that was just pkg install kde6-devel

-- edit 2
and this is the theme
Very thanks,but I need a complete tutorial,since the variables into the play are a lot. I will not be able to reach the goal following the handbook and your good suggestions.
You just need to copy paste the instructions from the manual. Only thing I did that's not in there is install drm-61-kmod from ports (cd /usr/ports/graphics/drm-61-kmod; make install clean, and added to the rc.conf kld_list) and the wayfire command in ly config.ini. I can copy paste them from the manual, but better to just read/copy paste from there, manual gets updated, this post probably not. There is really not much else to it. And before installing Ly you can also just run tat wayfire command from the cmdline to make sure it starts correctly and or get any output in case of failure. But if you just copy those sections from the handbook, I'm pretty sure you will get it working. And if not, write, screenshot or paste where you are stuck.

-- its bloody hot here though, so I _have to_ pop out and drink some beers, sensible replies will be available again tomorrow :) so you got a whole night to try
I'm using one nvidia GPU. I've installed nvidia-drm-kmod. I suppose that you don't have one nvidia GPU,for this reason you have installed drm-61-kmod. I don't have it inside the ports or the packages. I have only drm-510-kmod ; drm-515-kmod ; drm-kmod ; nvidia-drm-510-kmod ; nvidia-drm-515-kmod ; nvidia-drm-kmod. Which version of FreeBSD are you running ? Which GPU do u have ?

Not sure if some parts of the tutorial are updated. :)
I'm using one nvidia GPU. I've installed nvidia-drm-kmod. I suppose that you don't have one nvidia GPU,for this reason you have installed drm-61-kmod. I don't have it inside the ports or the packages. I have only drm-510-kmod ; drm-515-kmod ; drm-kmod ; nvidia-drm-510-kmod ; nvidia-drm-515-kmod ; nvidia-drm-kmod. Which version of FreeBSD are you running ? Which GPU do u have ?
Indeed, as I wrote it is a core i5 machine. integrated GPU. And it's OS version is 14.1


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I'm getting close to make it work...
and how close are you?

I ditched KDE6 for KDE5, and will wait till 6.2 or something comes out. There is too much stuff not working yet as I would like. E.g. Krita pkg or port requires KDE5 and 6 yo likes to color things.
It's pretty clear from the screenshot that OP has Wayfire running on Wayland.

KDE 6 components have been installed, and they can be used within the Wayfire DE, but this is NOT "KDE on Wayland" that people are after.

I've done something similar with KDE 5 a few years ago, and posted on these Forums about it, OP is doing the same thing I did.
As the OP, I'm not sure what you mean :)

This is not KDE6 on Wayland? Or and if not, what is the KDE on Wayland people are after?
Nope, it's not. You're running Wayfire, on bare metal, and calling up KDE 6 components. You can call up same KDE components if you were running the GNOME desktop.

The "KDE on Wayland" that people are after means running kwin6 on bare metal just like Xorg. And kwin6 keeps crapping out when trying to run on Wayland on bare metal.

Even in the other thread, calling /usr/local/bin/startplasma-wayland still fails, you end up starting Wayfire first to help things along. The goal of "KDE on Wayland" is to make sure that startplasma-wayland actually works with no external help.

Wayfire is NOT same thing as Wayland. Wayfire is on the same level as kwin6.
What are the downsides of KWin not on bare metal with Wayland?
How about the very idea of having to do a "somewhat workable kludge that only works if you know what you're doing and are willing to spend the time" ? if kwin6 is not able to reliably and demonstrably start with Wayland like it does with Xorg, I see that as a downside.

FWIW, I got Wayfire running, it's pure Wayland, it starts, and I can call KDE 6 components just like OP. But no, it's not the same thing as kwin6. Without kwin6, "KDE on Wayland" is not a complete package. KDE 5 on Xorg - that is workable on bare metal, and the bar was set pretty high for what KDE 6 should be.

I guess I can compare that to living in a house where running water is available, but the bathroom was forgotten about, and now requires some awkward and ugly-looking workarounds just so that people can take a shower. Not the most comfortable living arrangements, but can make do.
if you are running wayfire then the desktop all the setting are managed by wayfire and not by kde

while you can install the kde components
kde isnt managing the desktop like virtual workspaces and all the settings like the wallpaper

wayfire use wlroots as the wayland compositor, whereas kde use kwin

running kde on top of wayfire shows that the the qt framework is working on wayland

but the kde components are running on top of wlroots and not kwin
so the desktop overview showing the virtual desktops and widgets wont work

you can install the kde settings app

but for example you cant use it to change the number of virtual desktop,
because thats managed by wayfire

its like putting Ferrari seat covers in a Ford Fiesta and expecting to go from 0 to 60 in 5 seconds
its still a Ford Fiesta underneath
What are the downsides of KWin not on bare metal with Wayland?
"Not on bare metal" means virtualizing, and that eats up extra resources on the bare metal. You can also launch a KDE Wayland session from within a KDE Xorg session. That is good for playing, and 'proof-of-concept', but is just awkward to use as a daily driver.