KDE themes

I love KDE themes. I'm trying to install my fav themes from KDE but I'm running into a dependency error all the time. Never used to happen before.
Any ideas what I should do?
...don't use KDE? *cough*, sorry. :cool:

As far as I know FreeBSD such inconsitencies mostly happen when system and userland are not on a consistent level, and mostly can be solved by achieve a consistent system.

Which in detail means:
Do a freebsd-update, then a pkg update.
If this does not help, wait a couple of days, and try a pkg udate again.
When recent versions are freshly released, it may take one, two, sometimes four days, until all packages are compiled and provided for the "same level of versions".
If this does not help, you may try a pkg remove kde (don't know the actual package name), and try to compile it from ports yourself (and of course your themes, if those come not automatically as a dependency).
… a dependency error

Installation of /tmp/pOzSzd-Noir-Dark-Global.tar.gz failed: Could not install dependency: 'kns://colorschemes.knsrc/api.kde-look.org/1361466'

Reproducible with latest ports on CURRENT.

% pkg iinfo frameworks
% uname -aKU
FreeBSD mowa219-gjp4-zbook-freebsd 15.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 15.0-CURRENT main-n271313-e0b080f850cc GENERIC-NODEBUG amd64 1500021 1500021

all the time. …

Not reproducible with the Irixium theme.