Solved KDE Plasma tty, konsole font crash, and login screen setting

I used Gnome3 but I recently moved to KDE Plasma 5. I have few questions about KDE.
1. How can I disable tty?
2. I installed zsh and oh-my-zsh. I use robbyrussel theme. normally it's like -> ~, but -> is crashed so it's like ??? ~. Is this a font problem? How can I fix it?
3. I can't find Login Screen(ssdm) session.
Not sure what you mean with 1) and 3). However regarding 2). In Konsole:
  1. Settings | Edit Current Profile
  2. Click on "Appearance"
  3. Adjust your font to one that supports whatever oh-my-zsh wants from a font (ligatures?)
1) means virtual console, 1 ~ 6 (maybe)
3) means on Linux(I use Fedora on other computer) System Settings -> Startup and Shutdown -> Login Screen(SSDM). But in FreeBSD KDE, it's missing.
Re 1) You can disable ttys() by editting /etc/ttys and setting them to off. You obviously need at least one, though.

Re 3) sudo pkg install plasma5-sddm-kcm and it should appear (possibly after logging out from KDE and back in)