kde crashed after electricity shutdown

Hello I left the system updating and when I returned at the next day the electricity was gone and KDE just give this error.

Kdm: 1624 recived unknown or unexpected command -2 from greeter.
Kdm 1624 Abnormal termination of greeter for display 0 code 1 signal 0.

Any help please.
Seems to be permissions related problem. KDM need to read some files, for that you need change some permissions.

Please, show output:

# pgrep -lf X
cpu82 said:
Seems to be permissions related problem. KDM need to read some files, for that you need change some permissions.

Please, show output:

# pgrep -lf X

seems with the update I left also updated delevel/icu so that was the problem, now I am using again the KDE but that command you post up there dropped me this:

# pgrep -lf X
  1613 /usr/local/bin/X -br -quiet :0 -nolisten tcp -auth /var/run/xauth/A:0-8hXP6d

I wonder if still need to fix something.
Make sure you have updated devel/icu following the instructions in /usr/ports/UPDATING:
AFFECTS: users of icu
AUTHOR bapt@FreeBSD.org

icu has been updated to 50.1. Please rebuild all ports that depends on it:

If you use portmaster:
portmaster -w -r icu
If you use portupgrade:
portupgrade -fr devel/icu
If you use pkgng with binary packages:
pkg install -fR devel/icu

Check /var/run/xauth permissions grants read and execute access to everyone while leaving all other existing permissions the same:

# ls -l /var/run/xauth

If not, by running as root type:

# chmod a+rx /var/run/xauth