According to this
"Building Julia" explanation, there are a number of programs that need to have already been installed in the machine you use to compile Julia. The compile (`make`) fails when one of them is missing on the machine.
"Building Julia requires that the following software be installed:
GNU make — building dependencies.
gcc & g++ (>= 7.1) or Clang (>= 5.0, >= 9.3 for Apple Clang) — compiling and linking C, C++.
libatomic — provided by gcc and needed to support atomic operations.
python (>=2.7) — needed to build LLVM.
gfortran — compiling and linking Fortran libraries.
perl — preprocessing of header files of libraries.
wget, curl, or fetch (FreeBSD) — to automatically download external libraries.
m4 — needed to build GMP.
awk — helper tool for Makefiles.
patch — for modifying source code.
cmake (>= 3.4.3) — needed to build libgit2.
pkg-config — needed to build libgit2 correctly, especially for proxy support.
powershell (>= 3.0) — necessary only on Windows.
which — needed for checking build dependencies."
That might be challenging if the machine cannot be connected to internet.