On other terminal emulators, I can use
Nothing shows for x11/jbxvt for WM_CLASS, There's WM_NAME(STRING) =, but using this value doesn't help with adjusting fonts.
How would I set WM_CLASS, so that the font settings can persist when I start jbxvt? Or how can I otherwise set the font on a program which doesn't have this value?
Here's what I have for .Xresources:
From that, xvt's value works, but jbxvt's doesn't. "XTerm" is a common class which works for a few terminal emulators, and for specific options available on those terminals. xvt has both "XTerm" and "xvt" as WM_CLASS.
together with grep
to get their WM_CLASS. From that, I can add this value to .Xresources or .Xdefaults for adjusting fonts and other terminal properties. .xrdb .Xresources; xrdb -merge .Xresources
(or .Xdefaults) would reset it.Nothing shows for x11/jbxvt for WM_CLASS, There's WM_NAME(STRING) =, but using this value doesn't help with adjusting fonts.
How would I set WM_CLASS, so that the font settings can persist when I start jbxvt? Or how can I otherwise set the font on a program which doesn't have this value?
Here's what I have for .Xresources:
xvt*font: -*-courier-medium-r-*-*-18-*
jbxvt*font: -*-courier-medium-r-*-*-18-*