Solved jail: ioc-webmail-1: IPv4 addresses clash

tldr; duplicate ip address assignment.


I have a iocage managed jail that I transferred from one host to another via zfs send. When I try to start it on the destination host, having first stopped the original on the source host, I get this error:
jail: ioc-webmail-1: IPv4 addresses clash

I have searched for any jail that contains the addresses assigned to the problem jail and have come up empty:

grep  -H '\.96' /zroot/iocage/jails/*/config.json
/zroot/iocage/jails/webmail-1/config.json:    "ip4_addr": "em0|,em1|",

I then altered the assigned addresses for the transferred jail to other unused addresses and I still get the same error:
# iocage set ip4_addr="em1|" webmail-1

# grep  -H '\.225' /zroot/iocage/jails/*/config.json
/zroot/iocage/jails/webmail-1/config.json:    "ip4_addr": "em1|",
ip4_addr: em1| -> em1|

# iocage start webmail-1
* Starting webmail-1
  + Start FAILED
jail: ioc-webmail-1: IPv4 addresses clash
I have tried several other addresses and they all give the same error. Does anyone have any idea what might be going on?
I am in the process of upgrading all our system to 14.1. The move of the jail is to avoid any service interruptions when the inevitable 'Oh, we changed that. It doesn't work anymore' appears on the original host during the upgrade.
Found it. It was a duplicate localhost ip assignment.
grep  -H '\0.106' /zroot/iocage/jails/*/config.json
/zroot/iocage/jails/webmail-1/config.json:    "localhost_ip": "",,em0|,em1|",
/zroot/iocage/jails/webmail-2/config.json:    "localhost_ip": "",