Is this a bug?

I use Tramsmission as net-p2p. But when I go to load any torrent, transmission just crash. Any idea if thereis any bug or what is going wrong?
Ps: Web interface works and I can do my work from there for now
There's a decidedly unscientific approach that I usually follow with this sort of problem:
  1. Launch transmission from an xterm window. It will become a child of xterm, and you can sometimes see useful chatter barfed out to the terminal. (i.e. That may help you troubleshoot why it is crashing.)
  2. Occasionally, application profiles get corrupted, and starting from a clean slate can fix it (assuming it's not really a system-wide problem), a la:
    % mv ~/.transmission ~/.transmission-old
Is very strange. After downloading something using WebUI, now transmission works without problem! I am telling solved for now and I will be back to reopen the thread if there will be any problem on future