Invite to

I'm starting to get an idea why my mail to admin@ over there didn't get a response yet :-/

Yes, you're not the first I've seen asking about it. There's some totally inexplicable 😏 run on Mastodon it seems. Probably overload for those instances who want to stay in control of their influx...
Thanks zirias@. Given that this thread gains no traction, I reckon most members are not using the social network let alone giving its alternatives some thought. I am equally reconsidering my interest in it.

I however have some professionals that would not jump ship i.e. they would pay whatever Elon demands. Those contacts are making me think.
Lamia, have another look at their page there's now some explanation confirming what I assumed: they're heavily "overload" with new requests and promise to "trickle out" invitations.
I reckon most members are not using the social network let alone giving its alternatives some thought.
At least in the FreeBSD "bubble" on Twitter, I've already seen many linking their mastodon account.
Is this up and alive? When they iron it out, someone please drop me a note?
Crivens AFAIK it's "up and alive", but it seems they have limited resources and are currently overwhelmed by the musk-effect 🙈

(edit: write a mail as suggested on their "about page" and hope to get a place in the queue that's eventually served ... oh, my ... I'm still waiting ...)