Installing the src and ports collections after system install

Hello all,

I have installed FreeBSD 13.1 the other day. But during the install when selecting the sets (in the dialog titled "distribution select") I did not choose the source set (system source tree) and the ports collection set (ports tree). So they were not installed.

I wanted to ask how I could install these now (after I have installed the system)?

To install the ports collection use this command as root:
portsnap auto
For the source you have a couple of options. If you want to rely on freebsd-update and update the entire system as such, download the src.txz and uncompress in your root. You can also clone with git but I don't know if freebsd-update will update there.
To install the ports collection use this command as root:
portsnap auto
For the source you have a couple of options. If you want to rely on freebsd-update and update the entire system as such, download the src.txz and uncompress in your root. You can also clone with git but I don't know if freebsd-update will update there.

Thank you.