Installation on laptop with no OS

My apologies for asking what may seem like an easy question.

Can I install the latest (or a particular level of) FreeBSD on a laptop with no OS by first downloading the product to a CD on a Windows 7 system, then booting up using BIOS control on the laptop with no OS?

I'm not interested in using VM/partitioning/etc. on my Windows 7 laptop. I would like to have FreeBSD running standalone.

Thanks for your time.
Yes. If you identify the make and model of the laptop, we might be able to help with specifics.
wblock@, thanks for your response. I have not yet purchased an OS-free laptop. It sounds like it's a can-do. I'll queue back up when I know the make/model.
Just so you know, some newer hardware is not fully supported yet. The most important of these:
  • Intel Haswell graphics: not supported yet, only console text or vesa X drivers for now.
  • Optimus graphics (dual Intel and Nvidia): some of these can be made to work by disabling the Nvidia chip, but not all.
  • AMD video cards in the 7000- and 8000-range (and possibly some of the 6000-series), including those built-in as APUs, are not yet supported by the radeon driver.
Work is at various stages on all of these, but none have an expected completion date yet.