Installation of Lazarus on FreeBSD 13

Hi. I'm actually playing around with VMware virtual machines and one of the software packages I try to install on each of them is Lazarus/Free Pascal. No major problems on macOS, nor on a dozen of Linux distributions. But, on FreeBSD, it seems to be nothing else then a lose of time.

My system is FreeBSD 13.0 64bit with KDE Plasma desktop. I did not succeed in updating the system (using pkg). Error: Repository FreeBSD contains packages for wrong OS version. I got this same error when trying to install Lazarus. Setting IGNORE_OSVERSION=yes, Lazarus installed, but when rebooting the machine, KDE did not start up anymore (I think here again there is a version problem with VMware drivers and/or KDE). Finally, I installed Lazarus via the ports. This went well (Lazarus version installed = 2.0.10), all components found, the IDE starts up. But, not possible to build applications. Error: /bin/ld.bfd not found. I tried to install binutils, what also ended with an error...

No idea, why I spend hours with an installation, that I don't need on an OS that I don't need. Maybe, because I'm not willing to believe that FreeBSD only works as a server system and that it couldn't be possible that an intermediate user could use it as they use some Linux distribution. Greatful for any help or suggestions. A nice day to everyone!
My system is FreeBSD 13.0
FreeBSD 13.0 is End-of-Life and not supported anymore.

Error: Repository FreeBSD contains packages for wrong OS version.
Packages are built for 13.1 because 13.0 is end-of-life. Packages built for 13.1 do not work on 13.0.

Don't do that. You're getting that error for a reason.

Greatful for any help or suggestions.
Upgrade to a supported version, which is 13.1 at this time.
I tried Lazarus a couple of years ago. I did not spend much time with it on anything else other than Windows, because it kept crashing on every other platform (tried OS X, FreeBSD, Linux).
FreeBSD 13.0 is End-of-Life and not supported anymore.
Sorry, I didn't know. And I'm surprised that it's not possible to use a no more supported OS. Doing so works well with old (and very old) Windows versions, also with Linux. Is this BSD/UNIX specific? For security and stability reasons?

I tried Lazarus a couple of years ago. I did not spend much time with it on anything else other than Windows, because it kept crashing on every other platform (tried OS X, FreeBSD, Linux).
Maybe that installation is sometimes tricky, but I amsuccessfully running Lazarus on macOS, a dozen of Linux distributions and also on FreeDOS. The only problem, I see, is that some components behave completely differently and thus, some of my applications, developped on Windows, do not work correctly on Linux.

Anyway, thanks for this really fast reply. That's a more than positive sign. And it makes it worth to continue spending time with FreeBSD. I will try to upgrade to 13.1 in the next days and retry Lazarus. Thanks again.
Last time I tried, fpcupdeluxe was happily building fpc and lazarus from the git repos without any problems.
Maybe that installation is sometimes tricky, but I amsuccessfully running Lazarus on macOS, a dozen of Linux distributions and also on FreeDOS.
Lazarus on FreeDOS. I have to see that before I belive it. Or do you mean the fp environment, which is a textmode IDE for the compiler?
Lazarus on FreeBSD requires a lot of tweaks. You should get most if not all FPC packages installed. And if memory serves me right, the ports version fail; I had to pull it from its repo and build from source.
I also tried it years, ago unfortunately didn't invest the time to learn properly, but everything worked fine.

Today I installed it on 13.1-RELEASE-p3 running inside VirtualBox. It was as easy as doas pkg install lazarus-gtk2 compiled one example and again everything works without problems.
Sorry for only being back now. I actually had given up...
The upgrade to 13.1 worked well, but for the rest it was the same as with 13.0. With pkg (without "doas"? and using package lazarus (not lazarus-gtk2), the install succeeded, but after reboot, the desktop had gone and starting X did give nothing else than this bizarre "4-terminal window". This is also the case when trying to upgrade the software packages using pkg. Using the ports, installation succeeded with some problems, everything seemed fine, but the build aborted with the message "Error: Util/bin/ld.bfd not found, switching to external linking".
Interesting. Where did you get the package "lazarus" from? Here is from one of my 13.1 machines:
root@kg-core1:~ # freebsd-version -ku
root@kg-core1:~ # pkg -vv | grep url
    url             : "pkg+",
root@kg-core1:~ # pkg search lazarus
lazarus-gtk2-2.2.2_1           Portable Delphi-like IDE for the FreePascal compiler (GTK2)
lazarus-gtk2-devel-2.3.0       Portable Delphi-like IDE for the FreePascal compiler (GTK2 devel)
lazarus-qt5-2.2.2_1            Portable Delphi-like IDE for the FreePascal compiler (QT5)
lazarus-qt5-devel-2.3.0        Portable Delphi-like IDE for the FreePascal compiler (QT5 devel)
It has lazarus-gtk2 and lazarus-qt5.
As packages I found,
pkg search lazarus
lazarus-gtk2-2.2.2_1           Portable Delphi-like IDE for the FreePascal compiler (GTK2)
lazarus-gtk2-devel-2.3.0       Portable Delphi-like IDE for the FreePascal compiler (GTK2 devel)
lazarus-qt5-2.2.2_1            Portable Delphi-like IDE for the FreePascal compiler (QT5)
lazarus-qt5-devel-2.3.0        Portable Delphi-like IDE for the FreePascal compiler (QT5 devel)
The port editors/lazarus builds a -gtk2 package by default:
.if ${PKGNAMESUFFIX} == "-gtk2"
USES+=		gnome
USE_GNOME=	cairo gtk20 gdkpixbuf2

The editors/lazarus-qt5 port is a slave port (there's only a Makefile). Which means it sets up a different set of variables then simply builds the main editors/lazarus port.

MASTERDIR=	${.CURDIR}/../../editors/lazarus

That's why there are only packages with -gtk2 or -qt5 suffixes.
Just curious: is anybody currently using Lazarus/FP on a current FBSD?
I have decades of Delphi command line code, and wondering how much struggle it is on FBSD under Lazarus.
Some of my code has 32-bit Intel ASM as inline code.
I wouldn't expect these to port easily.
This is just an academic question more than anything else.

I have more interest in porting my Delphi code to IOS than anything else.
Even that is nothing more than a passing fancy... I have too many irons in the fire already.

I was just curious if any of the sharp guys here had Lazarus/FP words of wisdom.
A few years back, I managed quite easily to compile some old Turbo Pascal code with Free Pascal. Never tried Delphi, don't know how hard it would be.
Follow Crivens advice: just try it.