Increasing depth/number of rows on terminal screen?

I have just installed FreeBSD 13.1 on a laptop.

I have a resolution of 1920x1080 but only 32 lines are displayed which is hard to work with. I would prefer 40-48 reducing the text size.

I'm sure I'm using Framebuffer. I tried adding drm-kmod but that didn't change anything.
I did mean Console.

The font change worked, I have set it to Gallant which gives around 48 lines that is much more usable.

Thank you.
I'm sure I'm using Framebuffer.
If this laptops firmware is UEFI or is running in VBE (VESA BIOS Extensions mode, check dmesg | grep 'VT(' for VT(efifb) or VT(vbefb) ), the font size can be changed from /boot/loader.conf with the screen.font setting (see loader.conf(5)). A selection of font sizes can be found in /boot/fonts.

Furthermore, if you dislike the font (Terminus), most .fnt fonts can be used instead, gzip(1)'ed, placed in /boot/fonts and renamed to one of the sizes there matching the size, then set in /boot/loader.conf as described above.
I am in efifb.

I downloaded freebsd-terminus fonts from a github page and u20 is the ideal size giving around 54 lines with clean/thin text.

After using vidcontrol to try some fonts I added allscreens_flags="-f ter-u20" to rc.conf.

I will keep experimenting, it is much more usable console now.