incorrect geometry

Seagate 160Gb FreeBSD 7.0

When you install freebsd to the hard disk arises prevent incorrect geometry hdd ad4 ... ignoring the message and continue the installation - the installation ends a mistake

in the BIOS, there are no settings for the HDD, on the hard drive of his options by not bear

usually ignoring the message works but when that message comes up you can have FreeBSD fix the geometry as well

unless you are dual booting since Windows does not read the correct geometry unlike FreeBSD does
Kitche said:
usually ignoring the message works but when that message comes up you can have FreeBSD fix the geometry as well

unless you are dual booting since Windows does not read the correct geometry unlike FreeBSD does

hard drive is empty. Linux, Windows does not installed.
Funny, I assumed that you were installing a dual-boot. Sorry.

Let FreeBSD fix the error and continue with the installation. Let us know if the installation is good or fails and provide any messages if it does fail.