importing conky from linux i ran into a small issue with lsb_release not found

here's my conky.conf

all the way down at the bottom the code calls for lsb_release which doesn't exist in freebsd as far as i can tell by doing a pkg search. doing a web search revealed a forum post where someone asked about determining their freebsd release and it was suggested to cat /etc/os-release and so i tried replacing lsb_release with os-release and it did not have the desired effect. the effect it had in my terminal was for it to endless report os-release not found which is what it also does with lsb_release

sh: /etc/os-release: Permission denied
sh: /etc/os-release: Permission denied
sh: /etc/os-release: Permission denied
sh: /etc/os-release: Permission denied
sh: /etc/os-release: Permission denied
sh: /etc/os-release: Permission denied
sh: /etc/os-release: Permission denied
sh: /etc/os-release: Permission denied
sh: /etc/os-release: Permission denied

so adding path to os-release was no help either

i mean it's a small thing but its a nice to have to announce which distro i'm running atm

anyone has a good idea?
Looks like you try to execute the os-release file instead of cat-ing it.
right so is there a command i can add to my conky that does what lsb_release does but for freebsd?