I'm a happy man now - LFS game

I love you BSD, you rock my world :')

I'm running i386 7.0-Release, wine 1.1.8,1_1 I think, and the patch I was linked to on here.

My favorite game of all time, works 100% flawlessly on FreeBSD. The graphics performance is suparb considering I have a piece of crud video card, I get 100% GOOD FPS @ 1440x900 :|

In windows I get 96fps or so in the easy to process parts, and it drops to maybe 70-80. Now with freebsd I get 80 or so avg, it drops to 50-70fps.

Now I will never have to dual boot, I've always hated dual booting because I'll never setup the other unix based os so that I like it more, and I end up hardly ever booting back. Now I never have too.

1302 cmanns 3 96 0 743M 523M select 1 569:38 80.76% wine-pthrea

The game has also been online for 569mins, didn't disconnect from the server nor did it get laggy like it would on windows.


Now I just need to start getting the wm all sexy, used to have the xfce linspire theme. I couldn't do any transparency though due to amd64 and no nvidia drivers.
It's a 8500 or 8600 (GT) 512mb vram.

It sucks :-(

The games still playing fine, were about to try to launch our lfs servers on our freebsd server, then we wont need cruddy vmware + windows :-D
I plan to dual boot Gentoo or Slackware + FreeBSD. I will only do this if I can get Fallout 3 running in wine. Considering it works in Gentoo, I will probably be saying goodbye to M$ once in for all very soon. :h
xteraco said:
I plan to dual boot Gentoo or Slackware + FreeBSD. I will only do this if I can get Fallout 3 running in wine. Considering it works in Gentoo, I will probably be saying goodbye to M$ once in for all very soon. :h

I suggest to pkg_add -r wine (1.1.4 I believe) wine in ports 1.1.9 and 1.1.10 have regressions? Not sure what it is but mixer pcm keeps going to 0:0 when the window is not active.