Other i3wm Configurations Problems

Somebody knows what is the problem here ?

i3 Config File:

Not sure - but those ^M would indicate some sort of line feed/carriage return. So what should be one line is being split into two lines.

So e.g. line 9 shows as

set Mod4^M Mod4

But it's got a line feed/carriage return in it, so being split:

set Mod4

Some copy/paste issue that looks OK on-screen but has hidden line feed/carriage returns?
If you are asking how to get rid of them, make a copy of the file for backup, then:

vi filename

Inside vi, in command mode (press ESC), type:


To enter ^M, type CTRL+V +M, hold down the CTRL key then press V and M in succession.

In case you are unfamiliar with vi, to write and leave the document:

Don't know what you are trying to do but that syntax is wrong. The simplest way to define the mod key is this:
set $mod Mod4

After that you can bind any key you'd like like this:
bindsym $mod+Return exec urxvtc
bindsym $mod+Shift+q kill
That looks like the default actually. Not sure why it has Windows carriage returns throw in. Did you edit this file under Windows perhaps?
Thanks to everyone for your replies!
richardtoohey2 : I thought the same when i saw the error but when i check everything seems normal
T-Daemon: Thanks for the tip, i will try this way
Minbari : Exactly! urxvt is already predetermined maybe I need to add the c (urxvtc)
SirDice : That's right, yes sir, I've already edited it several times thinking that I had a tabulation or syntax error in the lines but I still get the error, I will try to do it as T-Daemon says
Solution: Thanks to the T-Daemon solution, aprox. > 430 errors were fixed

vi filename

I am from windows performing tests on virtualbox before installing the system on the computer .. Now .. customizations...