Other i3status status_command exited unexpectedly (exit 1)

Hi folks,

I'm fairly new to FreeBSD and try to setup a workstation with FreeBSD 11.2 and my usual windowmanager i3wm.
By now most things worked out after a little research but with this particular problem I'm just stuck and hope to find help here, I can't bring my I3status to work and only get "Error: status command process exited unexpectedly (exit 1)" instead of my status bar.


Of course I have the following code in my ~/.config/i3/config but I only see the workspace-numbers in the left corner and the error in the right corner, not the desired i3status output.

bar {
        status_command i3status
exec i3-config-wizar2

I tried to start i3status from terminal by hand and it seems to work - as you can see on the screenshot. But this output is just in the terminal, not in the statusbar, where it should be -_-

I think i3bar just dies after the start and therefore i3status can't be displayed on i3bar, but I have no idea how I can track this down and fix it on my own. I tried out what error I get, when I do pkg remove i3status and it's "Error: status command not found or is missing a library dependency (exit 127)", that makes perfectly sense. So I reinstalled i3status, reloaded i3wm and got my (exit 1) error back. I tried to install i3status via pkg or building it from ports, it doesn't make a difference at all as it seems.

FreeBSD: 11.2
i3: 4.15
i3status: 2.12

Thanks for your attention and possible help! :)

Edit /usr/local/etc/i3status.conf and remove the (%speed) from the ethernet function.

ethernet _first_ {
        # if you use %speed, i3status requires root privileges
        format_up = "E: %ip (%speed)"
        format_down = "E: down"
Change it to:
ethernet _first_ {
        # if you use %speed, i3status requires root privileges
        format_up = "E: %ip"
        format_down = "E: down"
After that it should work without issues.
First you need to create a folder in user home (.config/i3) there you can place your configs. Second you need to add the path to i3status to your i3 config file (e.g. status_command i3status --config ~/.config/i3/i3status.config). As you can see from my attachemets there is no need to remove the speed argument form i3status config file.

If have (& had before) my i3 config file and my i3status.conf in the ~/.config/i3/ folder.

I tried both Ideas, specifying where to find the i3status.conf file and also removing the %speed (in /usr/local/etc/i3status.conf as well as in ~/.config/i3/i3status.conf) parameter but nothing changes... I leave this out of the file fow now, when I found the solution I can put it back inside and see if it still works^^

As far as I understand it, i3bar works correctly because it's the only job of i3bar to show the bar, not being responsible for the correct output there... so I think I can adjust the thread-titel
I'm not sure why you have this problem, maybe something is wrong in the i3status config. Did you try to debug i3? Follow the debug how to. What shell do you use, because I know that fish is causing some troubles with i3status.
It turns out, that the problem is in fact fish shell, I'm still trying to figure out how to fix this, but it's reproducible. If I remove fish, I3 status works just fine - incl. %speed
If you are using fish then definitely fish is the problem. On a mail list from 2015, Michael Stapelberg, the i3 developer says:
Also, please try changing your login shell from fish to bash before reporting, just so that you know whether fish is to blame here. We’ve certainly had trouble with fish before.

I'll recommend to change your user shell to tcsh/zsh/bash and the problem will disappear. Personally I'm using zsh and I don't have any problems with i3status or i3blocks.