I've been using i3-gaps on my Linux machine for some time now, and am trying to move over more and more to FreeBSD. I've been using i3wm on FreeBSD, but am missing the gaps.
I'm trying to use i3-gaps-freebsd from
git clone https://github.com/tony/i3-gaps-freebsd.git but am having trouble with his instructions. Is anyone using this?
I've cloned the repo, and then
which gives:
What file is to be patched here?
I'm trying to use i3-gaps-freebsd from
git clone https://github.com/tony/i3-gaps-freebsd.git but am having trouble with his instructions. Is anyone using this?
I've cloned the repo, and then
$sudo make WITH=gaps install clean
which gives:
===> Patching for i3-4.10.2
/usr/bin/patch --forward --quiet -E -p0 -V simple --suffix .orig < /usr/home/bryan/i3-gaps-freebsd/files/extra-patch-gaps
File to patch:
What file is to be patched here?