I2P troubleshooting

This is just a short notice for all of you trying to run I2P and have gotten stuck on binding exceptions, for instance when adding clients. Typical ones I've encountered was on the form:
java.net.BindException: Can't assign requested address

The solution was to add a Java option to runplain.sh which disables ipv6 for the process:
JAVAOPTS="-Djava.library.path=.:lib -DloggerFilenameOverride=logs/log-router-@.txt -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true"
This is on amd64/openjdk6.

As a side note I didn't use the I2P port (mainly because I relocated an old installation). Hopes this helps to save someone time! :)
Care to make a simple howto of i2p installation ? and why did you not use the port ?

I have tried the port back in the days, but I was never able to make it work correctly... :(
I guess so, installing the system isn't really hard (at least if you use the official builds). I'll try to break it down (this will be without jbigi and Wrapper):

  1. Install a Java VM (I prefer openjdk but jrockit is quite nice, I'm not an Oracle employee :p)
  2. Unpack the latest version of the build (the linux build is the only one I've used, others should also work) into /var/i2p
  3. Create an account for the daemon (do not run as root) but do not give it a password.
  4. Open runplain.sh with an editor
  5. Add the above Java option
  6. Add
    cd /var/i2p
    just before the export statement, i.e. at the top
  7. Add
    cd -
    just before EOF, i.e. at the bottom
  8. Open /var/i2p/router.config
  9. Modify/Add
  10. Open /etc/rc.local
  11. Add
    su -m i2p -c /var/i2p/runplain.sh

I remember that I choose this approach because i2psvc was broken, I don't remember the errors I got.

I believe that was all! ;)