I have error freebsd to login



hello y try to login in my freebsd but when i put Login : as "root"and the passwd it says " Login incorrect" i try to change passwd by "single user" but after using /sbin/mount -u / and then "passwd" its says me
#passwd : who are you?
when i use " Whoami" its say
i also try to use fsck -y and i get this erro
#fsck "not found"


how can i solve please help me because i have importante source work there and i don`t wanna lost.
Boot with a live CD or a USB stick. Mount your filesystem and first things first: copy your sensitive data to an external hard drive, a network drive or whatever works for you.
Then try to fix the issue you have. It looks like something really bad happened to your system. Ran an rm -rf /[CMD] or something?
i didn't run any command yesterday soyoustart notify that i was reciving attack on this ips where i mount the machine ao then i restart it happen that

am begginer ao i don't know how to copy my source files on usb bcause the machine i have in Proxmox server not in local

i need is fix that issue and i don't know how to fix it i try a lot of guides to fix fsck and recovering passwd but still that error

the error is i lost is username "root"
Same suggestion here. Backup first. If you source work is that important you should have made a backup in the first place.
i don't know how to backup a files from single user because i tryed and not work
idk :) anyway thnx i will work again on source 😢😭😭
UID 0 is toor .

You could try giving toor a password.
#mount -ua /

at the end of the line set /bin/csh toor:*:0:0:Bourn-again Superuser:/root:/bin/csh
(to enter text in vipw press "i", after entering text press "esc", to leave vipw enter :wq. Take notice in single user mode us-keyboard layout is the default)
if you want T-Daemon i can give u acess anydesk and check it by your self because am doing the comands like this #FSCK -Y its say fsck not found so am using like this /sbin/fsck -y / and its workd