install ccache port or add a package:
# cd /usr/ports/devel/ccache && make install clean
# pkg_add -r ccache

add the following to /etc/make.conf:
.if !defined(NO_CCACHE)
  CC=  /usr/local/libexec/ccache/world-cc
  CXX= /usr/local/libexec/ccache/world-c++

.if ${.CURDIR:M*/ports/devel/ccache}
  NO_CCACHE= yes

add the following to /.cshrc:
# set ccache varibles
setenv PATH /usr/local/libexec/ccache:$PATH
setenv CCACHE_PATH /usr/bin:/usr/local/bin
setenv CCACHE_DIR /var/tmp/ccache
setenv CCACHE_LOGFILE /var/log/ccache.log

# set ccache temp size to 512MB (default 1GB)
if ( -x /usr/local/bin/ccache ) then
  /usr/local/bin/ccache -M 512m > /dev/null

logout and login again before using ccache because when You dont ccache will use /root/.ccache dir instead of /var/tmp/ccache.

ccache can be shared between several computers the same as ports tree for example, check man ccache for more info.

ADDED 2007.2.15:
example ccache stats from my box.
% ccache -s
cache directory                     /var/tmp/ccache
cache hit                          18562
cache miss                        102820
called for link                     9824
multiple source files                 75
compile failed                      1610
preprocessor error                  1446
not a C/C++ file                    3747
autoconf compile/link              16982
unsupported compiler option          511
no input file                       6698
files in cache                     49631
cache size                         464.3 Mbytes
max cache size                     512.0 Mbytes

ADDED 2007.2.16:
comparasion of buildworld times with and without ccache:
# without ccache
make -j1 buildworld  4148.38s user 937.02s system 97% cpu [B]1:27:00[/B].40 total

# with ccache
make -j1 buildworld  1043.30s user 703.76s system 88% cpu [B]32:50[/B].02 total

If you face a problem with /root/.ccache being used instead of /var/tmp/ccache then you may solve it that way:

% cd /home/${USER}
% rm -rf .ccache
% ln -s /var/tmp/ccache .ccache
% ls -l .ccache
lrwxr-xr-x  1 ${USER}  ${USER}  15 Dec 19 15:20 .ccache -> /var/tmp/ccache
% ccache -s
cache directory                     /var/tmp/ccache
cache hit                         165292
cache miss                        327142
called for link                    38002
multiple source files                216
compile failed                      5182
preprocessor error                  4934
couldn't find the compiler             1
not a C/C++ file                   26249
autoconf compile/link              52665
unsupported compiler option         1379
no input file                      23289
files in cache                     79438
cache size                         530.2 Mbytes
max cache size                     512.0 Mbytes
% sudo ccache -s
cache directory                     /home/vermaden/.ccache
cache hit                         165292
cache miss                        327142
called for link                    38002
multiple source files                216
compile failed                      5182
preprocessor error                  4934
couldn't find the compiler             1
not a C/C++ file                   26249
autoconf compile/link              52665
unsupported compiler option         1379
no input file                      23289
files in cache                     79438
cache size                         530.2 Mbytes
max cache size                     512.0 Mbytes
<shameless advertising>
I'm using buildflags from sysutils/bsdadminscripts to do that. It also deals with using both, ccache and distcc at the same time.
</shameless advertising>

I have come to the conclusion that the default cache size of 1GB is way too low. At the moment I'm using 4GB:
# ccache -s
cache directory                     /root/.ccache
cache hit                         607814
cache miss                        993734
called for link                    76913
multiple source files                316
compile failed                     11642
preprocessor error                  7718
couldn't find the compiler             4
not a C/C++ file                   90356
autoconf compile/link              97184
unsupported compiler option        14339
no input file                      29725
files in cache                    269281
cache size                           3.6 Gbytes
max cache size                       4.0 Gbytes

As you can see I have a hit rate of ~38%, which is a pretty impressive number, I think. I don't know how mature that previous example is (ccache has to be in use for some time to bring benefits), but the shown 512MB cache only has a hit rate of ~15%
kamikaze said:
<shameless advertising>
I'm using buildflags from sysutils/bsdadminscripts to do that. It also deals with using both, ccache and distcc at the same time.
</shameless advertising>

I have come to the conclusion that the default cache size of 1GB is way too low. At the moment I'm using 4GB (...) As you can see I have a hit rate of ~38%, which is a pretty impressive number, I think. I don't know how mature that previous example is (ccache has to be in use for some time to bring benefits), but the shown 512MB cache only has a hit rate of ~15%

Thanks for tips, propably it was used for short period of time, the last stats from my post give these stats with 512MB size:
cache hit                         165292
cache miss                        327142

About 33% so not so bad.
More than 30% is very decent. Compiling OpenOffice would blow your cache apart, though. Everything useful would be flushed out. OpenOffice is the reason I stepped from 1GB to 4GB.
Propably I do not use OpenOffice that much to care about newest version, current 2.4 version seems to work fine.

Where do you keep your builds mate?

Maybe I will try them some day.
vermaden said:
.if !defined(NO_CACHE)
  CC=  /usr/local/libexec/ccache/world-cc
  CCX= /usr/local/libexec/ccache/world-cc++

.if ${.CURDIR:M*/ports/devel/ccache}
  NO_CCACHE= yes

.if !defined(NO_CACHE)
  CC=  /usr/local/libexec/ccache/world-cc
  CCX= /usr/local/libexec/ccache/world-c++

.if ${.CURDIR:M*/ports/devel/ccache}
  NO_CCACHE= yes
Add a note:
You have to reinstall devel/libtool15 if it's installed, as changing CC/CXX will screw things up for it.

Adding the PATH change is not required and can create problems with lang/gcc* ports as dependencies, as it will add gcc## to $PATH and BUILD_DEPENDS will think it's installed, but once compilation starts it doesn't work.

I use:
:setenv=....<stripped other stuff>,CCACHE_DIR=/var/db/ccache/$:

in /etc/login.conf to make CCACHE_DIR independant of shell semantics and dot.profile files.

Finally the stats from my package builder:
cache directory                     /var/db/ccache/root
cache hit                         508615
cache miss                        379447
called for link                    66381
multiple source files                228
compile failed                     13214
ccache internal error                  2
preprocessor error                 21943
not a C/C++ file                   27067
autoconf compile/link             118453
unsupported compiler option         6337
no input file                      38147
files in cache                    650587
cache size                           8.6 Gbytes
max cache size                      10.0 Gbytes
vermaden said:
.if !defined(NO_CACHE)
  CC=  /usr/local/libexec/ccache/world-cc
  CCX= /usr/local/libexec/ccache/world-c++

A small question. It is CCX or CXX? In /usr/local/share/doc/ccache/ccache-howto-freebsd.txt, is's CXX.
Thanks for this tip.

A little precision : if you use a non-csh shell, you have to edit the rc file of your shell, not /.cshrc. The syntax might change (export instead of setenv, ...).
My Stats:

I build uncached (with ccache on) in about 10-11 hours

It took about 3h 40min to compile OOO3.1 when it was cached in ccache :)

My PC:
Pentium 4 HTT @ 3GHz
RAM: 2.5GB @ 400Mhz
on GELI encrypted zpool :)

killasmurf86 $ ccache -s
cache directory                     /var/db/ccache
cache hit                          79143
cache miss                        139100
called for link                    14059
multiple source files                 75
compile failed                      3599
ccache internal error                  1
preprocessor error                  2494
couldn't find the compiler             2
not a C/C++ file                    7095
autoconf compile/link              28680
unsupported compiler option          932
no input file                      10850
files in cache                    278200
cache size                           2.6 Gbytes
max cache size                       4.0 Gbytes
# Allow CCACHE for PORTS only (the buildworld has error with CCACHE)
.if ${.CURDIR:M*/ports*}
.if exists(/usr/local/libexec/ccache/world-cc) && !defined(NO_CCACHE)
vermaden said:
like that mate:
[cmd=]# make NO_CACHE=yes install clean[/cmd]

A lots of luniz here will just copy-paste it and hit a wall:
.if !defined(NO_CACHE)
  CC=  /usr/local/libexec/ccache/world-cc
  CXX= /usr/local/libexec/ccache/world-c++

.if ${.CURDIR:M*/ports/devel/ccache}
  NO_[color="Red"][B]C[/B][/color]CACHE= yes
my apace of /var is limit and I use this command
portmaster -D -r -w gettext
and I see ccache take many space of
what happen when I delete all files in ccache folder , because I do not have many space ?
I'm wondering how I would go about using a new version of gcc (gcc45) with ccache. Right now I have just gcc45 running per the instructions at:

That works fine but how would I go about getting ccache to use that. It seems like the instructions are for the standard version of gcc that comes with FreeBSD.

My current /etc/make.conf
.if !empty(.CURDIR:M/usr/ports/*) && exists(/usr/local/bin/gcc45)

my current /etc/libmap.conf
Code:   gcc45/    gcc45/    gcc45/     gcc45/  gcc45/

I've tried looking over the examples in this thread and the ccache-howto-freebsd.txt when I installed ccache from ports but I just don't know enough about the make process to figure out how to get it working with gcc45.