HowTo for creating own xkbdlayout?

Hello forum,

I use KDE (more and more). And I discovered how to set the keyboard layout: KDE uses setxkbmap to set the keymap.

My keyboard has a german layout. So usually I use "de" (with "nodeadkeys"). But some symbols (e.g. "{","[","]","}") are difficukt to reach (typing LaTeX for example is no fun :\ ).

Up to now I used a modyfied xmodmap (the symbols above are mapped to the umlauts; which are accessable using Alt-Gr on the same keys) which is loaded in the .xsession when I log in. But this Layout is destroyed when I change it with that KDE-applett (maybe I want some more layouts like greek etc).

So I'm looking for a possipillity to create my own Keymap which can be loaded via setxkbmap? Is there a HowTo on that? I have looked into the files under /usr/local/share/X11/xkb/symbols/ and copied de but I need some infos for not just trial-and-error around.

Thank you for any hint

Under X, you could try to play with xmodmap.

xmodmap to remap keys
xev to get info about keys and keycodes....

sorry it took so long to reply, i just remembered about xmodmap