How to use gnome without hald?

I want use a "removable disk" with freebsd for backup, I have two computer one run freebsd without gnome and one with gnome.

Use the one without gnome, I can use the mount_ntfs command to mount the "removable disk" as use flash disk. :e

But, if I plug the "removable disk" to the one with gnome, "hald" will mount the "mobile hard disk" to /media directory. :(

If I kill "hald" everything is ok, so I want know how to use gnome without hald?

I want use "gdm_enable="YES" instead of the following lines:
but it doesn't work. :(
Maybe I can change the file system format to solve this problem?

Why hald will not mount my flash disk that use "fat" format, can I change the removable disk to some other format to prevent hald mount it?