How to update driver during boot


I have a network card inserted in my system. Since there is no upstream driver for that, card is not getting detected during boot.

I want to perfom FreeBSD pxeboot installation using this network card. I could able to proceed till NFS server selection and after that it is prompting for network card selection. Since I dont have upstream driver, network card is not listed.
Can anyone help me in how to insert the driver at this stage?

Use a card that's supported. How can we 'insert' a driver when that driver doesn't even exist?

Would be nice to know what card it actually is though. And what version of FreeBSD you want to try.
Driver for my network card is not built with the freebsd FreeBSD distrubution, I mean no in-box driver availale for my card. But I have an out of box driver for my card. In order to test my card, I need to insert that driver during boot.

Generally after loading the OS, I used to insert the driver using kldload <>.ko and I would be able to detect my cards. But now I want to see my cards during OS installation, because I need to test pxe-boot using my network card.

This is easy to do using the FreeBSD 9.0 installation CD, as you are give the option to drop to a shell at various points in the install (like the disk partitioner). Just drop to the shell, load the kernel module, exit the shell, and carry on with the installation.