How to train a neural network with a specific language,made of aggregated bhyve commands and parameters...

Hello to everyone.

I think that the times are mature to start investigating how the neural networks can help the system admins,in the specific case the FreeBSD system admins,since I like to play with FreeBSD more than any other OS ; more than Linux,yes.
But that's not the point.

Basically I would like to try to train a neural network with a set of bhyve commands so that it will be able to predict and understand what you want to do from an input text. I have liked virtualization since my youngest ages.
And I like bhyve very much.

In these 3 years of hard work trying to learn how to administer FreeBSD,I've spent a lot of time on bhyve.

To know bhyve has been the first reason that brought me to play with FreeBSD. I'm also curious to study the deep learning and neural networks,because I think that in the next future,these technologies will be integrated within the Operating systems at a low level....

With that said,I would like that you point me to the right course,because I want to learn how to train a neural network with the special language needed by the bhyve hypervisor so that the network can predict what the user wants to do,which bhyve commands and parameters he/she wants to "give" to bhyve.

Let's talk about this project. I'm not aware of how much this idea can be hard to be developed. Let's talk about it.
AI just feels like out sourcing your brain to a computer to me

we will end up with a generation of people who cant think for themselves
without chatgpt telling them what to do

thats just my take

but back to your project i think you would have to train the AI on lots of data

sort of like training a puppy
bad AI dont

rm -rf /
AIs are like other tools. They should be used consciously to help themselves, not to replace themselves, but they start as neutral tools. It won't happen automatically that they will think for us. But if we allow them, it will happen.

For sure I don't have the enough computational power to train a network,but I think that someone can offer it against some amount of money. I don't know how much,I don't know if it is even possible to be able to do something like this.
I don't think you will be able to cons up enough training data for machine learning to be effective at translating human text into commandlines.