PF How to show the current and effective rules with pf?

Hi all,

Just a question, not that important, but I can't find a way for this.
I have a pf ruleset that includes several anchors.
anchor "a1" all
anchor "a2" all
anchor "a3" all
At some time, an anchor is flushed like this: pfctl -a a1 -F all.
As a result, the rules in this anchor don't apply to pf anymore.

I would like to know how to see that. I mean the fact that this anchor isn't longer active.

I tried:
pfctl -s rules
pfctl -s Anchors
These commands make no difference between a flushed and a still active anchor.
pfctl -a a1 -s rules would return nothing if the a1 anchor is empty.
pfctl -a a1 -s rules would return nothing if the a1 anchor is empty.
True. But I have to test all my anchors in order to have a global view. However, this can be done in a script.

I wrote this:
#! /bin/sh

anc=`pfctl -s Anchors`
for a in $anc
        r=$(pfctl -a $a -s rules)
        e="$a :"
        if [ -z "$r" ]
                e="$e Off"
                e="$e ON"
        echo $e
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