How to re-read post-installation information

I installed a package and after the installation process ended, I was shown some extra information about the limitations of this package in FreeBSD. In this concrete example it was the picom package writing something about no support for some audio features bause of differences between the pulse-audio wrapper FreeBSD uses and the real pulse-audio on its native platform.

Now that this console output has left my scroll buffer, I would like to read this information again. How can I do that? I presume that after the installation pkg just outputs some text from a file which the FreeBSD port maintainer of package maintainer has written and that this text can be seen somewhere in the port's repo, or ideally pkg has a way to show me this information again without me removing and installing the package again.
nope, that's not it, it only shows
I tried to find something like that in the man pages, but none of the pkg-info options looks like it does what I want
I now even removed and reinstalled the package, but no such message showed up. Even after I cleaned the cache (pkg clean picom)
pkg info -aD will show every pkg-message from packages you have installed
In many cases, FreshPorts is helpful.
If you don't want searching there (doesn't support ports origin format, so quite noisy in some cases), you can directly access info for specific port like for x11-wm/picom.
Unfortunately, for x11-wm/picom, message is not handled normally.
In these cases, you can read pkg-message file directly.
If you installed ports tree with default location, for x11-wm/picom, it's at /usr/ports/x11-wm/picom/pkg-message.
If not, you still can read it via ports cgit repo like