Solved How to mount ada0p4 and ada1p4 as a Raid in folder tmp


I have a problem with server. Im in rescue mode and i have no idea how to mount partition to the folder called tmp. I was trying many ways but it really doesn't work:

root@rescue-bsd:~ # gpart show
=>        40  3907029088  ada0  GPT  (1.8T)
          40        1600     1  efi  (800K)
        1640        1024     2  freebsd-boot  (512K)
        2664        1432        - free -  (716K)
        4096    30720000     3  freebsd-swap  (15G)
    30724096  3876304896     4  freebsd-zfs  (1.8T)
  3907028992         136        - free -  (68K)

=>        40  3907029088  ada1  GPT  (1.8T)
          40        1600     1  efi  (800K)
        1640        1024     2  freebsd-boot  (512K)
        2664        1432        - free -  (716K)
        4096    30720000     3  freebsd-swap  (15G)
    30724096  3876304896     4  freebsd-zfs  (1.8T)
  3907028992         136        - free -  (68K)

=>        40  3907029088  diskid/DISK-PN2186P2G474PJ  GPT  (1.8T)
          40        1600                           1  efi  (800K)
        1640        1024                           2  freebsd-boot  (512K)
        2664        1432                              - free -  (716K)
        4096    30720000                           3  freebsd-swap  (15G)
    30724096  3876304896                           4  freebsd-zfs  (1.8T)
  3907028992         136                              - free -  (68K)

=>        40  3907029088  diskid/DISK-PN2186P2G4HLLJ  GPT  (1.8T)
          40        1600                           1  efi  (800K)
        1640        1024                           2  freebsd-boot  (512K)
        2664        1432                              - free -  (716K)
        4096    30720000                           3  freebsd-swap  (15G)
    30724096  3876304896                           4  freebsd-zfs  (1.8T)
  3907028992         136                              - free -  (68K)

root@rescue-bsd:~ #ls 

I just want to mount "freebsd-zfs (1.8T) to the "tmp" folder and i have no idea how to do it. I was reading few articles but it haven't helped me.
A ZFS pool containing ZFS datasets is different to a simple UFS partition. It's not quite as simple as mounting the device and you might want to do some reading about ZFS before attempting to fix your server.

zpool(8) is the tool you need. zpool list will show the name(s) of your ZFS pool(s). I suggest creating a subdirectory in /tmp to use as the temporary root for your ZFS filesystem: mkdir /tmp/pool. You can then access the ZFS datasets by importing the pool, setting the temporary root: zpool import -f -R /tmp/pool. Your server's filesystem should mount automatically under /tmp/pool. You can see information about the ZFS datasets with the zfs list command, which will also display any datasets that aren't mounted.
Thank you !

Before you wrote to me i tried
zfs import -o altroot=/mnt tank
It worked partially. I couldn't see all "/" filesystem. I think i did wrong and solutions is as u have written
 zpool import -f -R /tmp/pool