How to know new quarterly arrived ?

If you look at the first few lines of git -C /usr/ports pull (or rather, git -C /usr/ports fetchsee here to understand the distinction), you'll see what branches are being updated. I look at this output through a cronjob to get notified of new quarterly branches.

I've also opened a bug report to allow automatic tracking of the latest quarterly branch without manual switching, but there's little interest among developers:

I did a ,
git clone --branch 2021Q2 /usr/ports
I think it won't work ? Will it ? Maybe there is a better way ?
First a correction, I didn't realize freebsd-ports-announce@ is moderated, not open for subscriptions by anybody, freebsd-ports@ is. Sorry, corrected.

Judging by the past three months, there were >300 messages on that list, exactly 1 of which announced a new quarterly branch. Not what I'd call convenient ;)
I don't see a problem here. If someone is interested only in quarterly branch announce mails, one can filter those mails at the mail provider service level and let the filter execute a action. The local mail client can then retrieve those filtered mails.

AFAIK Alain is poudrier building packages, to track eventual problems with ports of interest, subscribing to freebsd-ports@ would be also expedient.
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Thanks. Once they are ready i test which python version X is used , and start my poudriere build , blacklisting python X-1 and X+1.
The quarterly branches are branched off from main aka latest. So whatever Python version is set in main now will be the new quarterly version. It's really not that difficult to figure out.
Today git -C /usr/ports/ pull told me
remote: Enumerating objects: 33209, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (6949/6949), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (49/49), done.
remote: Total 33209 (delta 6922), reused 6900 (delta 6900), pack-reused 26260
Empfange Objekte: 100% (33209/33209), 20.00 MiB | 4.65 MiB/s, fertig.
Löse Unterschiede auf: 100% (18702/18702), abgeschlossen mit 5071 lokalen Objekten.
   139e75894d46..d1da14bab7a8  2021Q2     -> origin/2021Q2
 * [neuer Branch]              2021Q3     -> origin/2021Q3
   ac368b4fc3db..4cb86a45c970  main       -> origin/main
Aktualisiere 139e75894d46..d1da14bab7a8

Nice feature.