how to download file from VT(4) shell in freebsd 14.1

Dear all :
i have question about how to download file from VT(4) shell ?
curl , we will input long text for download it, and you can't remember download address always. that will make mistake always. how do you solve this question? thanks. how to fast copy download address to curl for download ? thanks.
You mean sh(1); vt(4) is a device driver, not a 🐚.​
  • Unless you specifically disabled mouse support (SC_NO_CUTPASTE), you can use moused(8) to highlight the URL text in your terminal (thus implicitly copying the character string to a clipboard buffer), switch to the command line prompt, and press the middle 🐀 button (or whatever key combo is associated with the paste function of the currently loaded kbdmap(5)).​
  • curl(1) can take configuration files, so you can create a text file
    url = ""
    and point curl(1) to it: 🔖
    curl --config ./foo.curl
Does it have to be curl?

You could use a console based web browser like www/elinks or www/lynx to go to the remote download directory and bookmark it.

At any time open from bookmarks the URL, browse files, download files with the browser integrated download function. It is much more comfortable this way.
There are many shells tricks that can help. For example, if you have a command (call it "find_favorite_website" for fun), you could do curl `find_favorite_website`; look up what the "backtick" (a.k.a. backwards apostrophe) does. Or you could save your favorite web sites in shell variables foo and bar (for example in your .cshrc or .bashrc or whatever shell you use), and do "curl $foo" or something like that. You could have a list of favorite links, in order of how much you like them, and to go to the web site of your favorite bank you would do curl `fgrep -i bank ~/favorite.websites`. You could put aliases for some of them in your shell config; you could write little shell (or perl or python or awk or ...) scripts which automate this.
You mean sh(1); vt(4) is a device driver, not a 🐚.​
  • Unless you specifically disabled mouse support (SC_NO_CUTPASTE), you can use moused(8) to highlight the URL text in your terminal (thus implicitly copying the character string to a clipboard buffer), switch to the command line prompt, and press the middle 🐀 button (or whatever key combo is associated with the paste function of the currently loaded kbdmap(5)).​
  • curl(1) can take configuration files, so you can create a text file
    url = ""
    and point curl(1) to it: 🔖
    curl --config ./foo.curl
Dear kai burghardt:
thanks for reply . i have use a dell laptop, and the mouse don't enabled by default in freebsd14.1 . i have never use it in VT(4). i don't know the how to active mouse in VT(4). you show me how to create a url address in a text file. but , this step, i think it's still so long text. and i have still use elinks. lynx . those double browser don't show picture,and video. do we have a VT browser like as chromium ? thanks.
Not completely sure what you are trying to do, or where you are getting the URL but here are a few options...
1. SSH to the computer from another computer, and you can copy paste easily in the terminal ( ctrl+insert = copy, shift+insert = paste)
2. If you cannot ssh to the box, put the url in a text file, put file on a usb drive, and copy the file to the FreeBSD machine... then type curl `cat url.txt`
3. use an online url shortener, google them.
Not completely sure what you are trying to do, or where you are getting the URL but here are a few options...
1. SSH to the computer from another computer, and you can copy paste easily in the terminal ( ctrl+insert = copy, shift+insert = paste)
2. If you cannot ssh to the box, put the url in a text file, put file on a usb drive, and copy the file to the FreeBSD machine... then type curl `cat url.txt`
3. use an online url shortener, google them.
Dear some anon guy:
thanks. our country block much more better web site including google, wiki.etc. so i am blind to study in here. thanks for your help.your solution is good . thanks