Solved how to disable freebsd 14 going to sleep when install gnome 42 ?

dear all :
i have pc with freebsd 14 gnome . this pc used gnome desktop for daily work. but now i have got a problem with machine sleep issue .
question :
1. when i power on this machine . the system start normally with gnome GUI interface . now , i don't login ,waiting for some time , the system will sleep automatically. then whatever i do, the system don't wake up , only press power button more time . the system will shutdown no normal.

below is my configuration for gnome
open gnome Dconf Editor 。
org--->gnome--->setting-daemon--->plugins--->power--->sleep-inactive-ac-type = nothing
org--->gnome--->setting-daemon--->plugins--->power--->power-button-action =interactive
org--->gnome--->setting-daemon--->plugins--->power--->sleep-inactive-ac-timeout = 0
when i login gnome GUI . the system will work always , no sleep .

any one , can help me to disable freebsd 14 going to sleep ? thanks.
Even with your configuration in dconf, system goes to sleep?
Are you sure this is sleep (suspend to RAM)?

By the way I'm not sure about future of gnome in FreeBSD.
Try following:

Configuring GDM Auto-Suspend

GDM will suspend the system when the greeter screen has been running for a while without any interactive input. If you want to disable auto-suspending for any reason (for example if the system is hosting some services besides functioning as a desktop system), as the root user, issue:
su gdm -s /usr/local/bin/bash                                                \
       -c "dbus-run-session                                        \
             gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power \
                           sleep-inactive-ac-type                  \

I modified location of bash in the above instruction, original path is non-existent on FreeBSD. It should be also possible with one of the system shells.
Configuring GDM Auto-Suspend
GDM will suspend the system when the greeter screen has been running for a while without any interactive input. If you want to disable auto-suspending for any reason (for example if the system is hosting some services besides functioning as a desktop system), as the root user, issue:

su gdm -s /bin/bash \
-c "dbus-run-session \
gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power \
sleep-inactive-ac-type \

open gnome Dconf Editor to do this job . that will disable sleep. thanks.
have you checked its not DPMS that the issue

query the current settings

xset q

Disable DPMS and prevent screen from blanking

xset s off -dpms
dear napoleonwilson:
i think that is not dpms problem . that machine will suspend , and no way to active it . thanks.
Configuring GDM Auto-Suspend
GDM will suspend the system when the greeter screen has been running for a while without any interactive input. If you want to disable auto-suspending for any reason (for example if the system is hosting some services besides functioning as a desktop system), as the root user, issue:

su gdm -s /bin/bash \
-c "dbus-run-session \
gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power \
sleep-inactive-ac-type \

open gnome Dconf Editor to do this job . that will disable sleep. thanks.
this sulotion was not work. thanks.
Even with your configuration in dconf, system goes to sleep?
Are you sure this is sleep (suspend to RAM)?

By the way I'm not sure about future of gnome in FreeBSD.
Dear aminavy:
i am not sure that is sleep or suspend. but i can sure dconf configure about that. thanks.
Dear all:
if you want to use GUI in freebsd14., but gnome with gdm have some autodead reason, i find the solution in below .

edit your /etc/rc.conf

#gnome configure

when your system boot, login with your account . in this below account, we will create .xinitrc file .

game@fbsd14:~ $ cat .xinitrc
#start gnome by game
exec gnome-session

.now we will not autoboot with GUI , just still in shell. login your user, and run blow command :

game@fbsd14:~ $ startx

you will enter the GUI for your business. this time you will lost lock screen function. but you can logout to shell. thanks.