Hello to everyone. It's again me. I'm trying to understand what are the statement that I should put into the right configuration files to disable totally the acpi,since it seems that it is needed to boot the cdrom with freebsd with qemu and kvm. (for more informations about this,give a look at this post :
I've googled between the sites and I found that these arguments could be put inside these configuration files. What I don't know,is what's changed from the past freebsd releases until the latest one ? I suppose that most of the statements below have been suppressed,but for a newbie like me it's hard to know what's useful and what's not,since in internet there are a lot of unordered and contradictory informations :

qemu - Mounting from cd9660:/dev/iso9660/13_0_RELEASE_AARCH64_CD failed with error 19.
Hello. I'm trying to emulate Freebsd for arm64 on my jetson nano (arm64) using qemu and kvm. This is the script that I'm using : tunctl -t tap0 ifconfig tap0 up brctl addif virbr0 tap0 /opt/qemu-5.2.0/build/aarch64-softmmu/./qemu-system-aarch64 -m 2048M -cpu cortex-a57 -M virt --enable-kvm \...
I've googled between the sites and I found that these arguments could be put inside these configuration files. What I don't know,is what's changed from the past freebsd releases until the latest one ? I suppose that most of the statements below have been suppressed,but for a newbie like me it's hard to know what's useful and what's not,since in internet there are a lot of unordered and contradictory informations :
a) /boot/loader.conf:
debug.acpi.disabled ="hostres"
b) in /boot/device.hints add:
c) in /boot/defaults/loader.conf make sure: