This makes me think UEFI. Is this on bootup and it freezes here?freezes after file system synchronization.
If I was a betting man I would say it is probably an UEFI problem.
Have you dug through the bios and messed with different UEFI settings?
UEFI might have been updated when you updated the bios.
What makes you say ACPI?
This makes me think UEFI. Is this on bootup and it freezes here?
shutdown -r now
OK so my UEFI diagnosis is probably not valid if it starts fine but hangs on shutdown.
I still have to wonder with the bios update it must be related.
Does this happen when using the power button orshutdown -r now
Are you shutting down from an xorg desktop?
What about disks. Any ZFS or disk controllers. Is this a laptop?
From time to time my server refuses to shutdown. This one usually helps with that. Especially if you have one or more USB disks attached to the machine.From the mailing list:
4. Does "sysctl hw.usb.no_shutdown_wait=1" help you?