How to create mirrored vdevs ?

Hello everyone.
I have decided that it's time to try zfs that's why i installed FreeBSD 10.4 with zfs on 2mirrored 1TB sata disks. After playing with zfs i made the mistake of detaching one of the disks from the pool. Now i have two stripe vdevs :
 # zpool status
  pool: zpool
 state: ONLINE
  scan: none requested

    zpool       ONLINE       0     0     0
      ada0p3    ONLINE       0     0     0
      ada1p3    ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors
my question is How to return to previous state of two mirrored vdevs ???
# zpool attach zpool /dev/ada[B]X[/B]p[B]Y[/B] /dev/ada0p3

# zpool attach zpool /dev/ada[B]Q[/B]p[B]R[/B] /dev/ada1p3

That will convert your two striped vdevs into two mirrored vdevs, consisting of 4 disks total.
Hello phoenix here is the output:
# zpool attach zpool /dev/ada1p3 /dev/ada0p3
invalid vdev specification
use '-f' to override the following errors:
/dev/ada0p3 is part of active pool 'zpool'
 # zpool attach -f zpool  /dev/ada1p3 /dev/ada0p3
invalid vdev specification
the following errors must be manually repaired:
/dev/ada0p3 is part of active pool 'zpool'
Do I understand correctly ada0p3 and ada1p3 used to be a mirror? You cannot remove any of the two, they're part of a striped set now. And the striped set cannot be broken up without destroying the whole pool.

Maybe a bit late, but don't "play" with important systems. As you now found out it's quite easy to make a mistake. If you want to test with ZFS create a simple VM, add a bunch of (small) virtual disks and play with that.
Do you have 4 disks in the system or only 2?

If you only have 2 disks (ada1 and ada3), then there's nothing you can do. You will either have to add 2 new disks and attach them to the existing ones. Or, you will need to destroy the pool and create a new pool with a single mirror vdev.

If you have 4 disks, then you need to attach the new disks to the existing disks, to convert them into mirror vdevs.