I would like to enable users to create ZFS datasets within their home directory. Furthermore, I would also like to enable users to make snapshots, clones, and transfers (send/recv) of their datasets. The handbook seems to be a little vague on a few points. A detailed how-to would be useful.
The current setup is fairly standard:
And this is set:
Should a ZFS dataset be created for each user as their home directory?
If so, what's the best way to do that?
For existing users, I am tempted to do this:
Then delegate permissions like this:
Is this a reasonable process? Is there a slicker way to go about it? What about new user accounts?
I would like to enable users to create ZFS datasets within their home directory. Furthermore, I would also like to enable users to make snapshots, clones, and transfers (send/recv) of their datasets. The handbook seems to be a little vague on a few points. A detailed how-to would be useful.
The current setup is fairly standard:
zpool status
pool: zroot
state: ONLINE
scan: scrub repaired 0 in 0h26m with 0 errors on Wed Oct 19 18:37:50 2016
zroot ONLINE 0 0 0
mirror-0 ONLINE 0 0 0
ada0p3 ONLINE 0 0 0
ada1p3 ONLINE 0 0 0
errors: No known data errors
zfs list -t all
zroot 153G 292G 96K /zroot
zroot/ROOT 5.03G 292G 96K none
zroot/ROOT/default 5.03G 292G 5.03G /
zroot/tmp 124K 292G 124K /tmp
zroot/usr 148G 292G 96K /usr
zroot/usr/home 147G 292G 147G /usr/home
zroot/usr/ports 650M 292G 650M /usr/ports
zroot/usr/src 96K 292G 96K /usr/src
zroot/var 784K 292G 96K /var
zroot/var/audit 96K 292G 96K /var/audit
zroot/var/crash 96K 292G 96K /var/crash
zroot/var/log 280K 292G 280K /var/log
zroot/var/mail 120K 292G 120K /var/mail
zroot/var/tmp 96K 292G 96K /var/tmp
sysctl vfs.usermount=1
echo vfs.usermount=1 >> /etc/sysctl.conf
Should a ZFS dataset be created for each user as their home directory?
If so, what's the best way to do that?
For existing users, I am tempted to do this:
zfs create zroot/usr/home/usertmp
chown user1:user1 /usr/home/usertmp
su user1
cp -R /usr/home/user1/* /usr/home/usertmp/
rm -rf /usr/home/user1
zfs rename zroot/usr/home/usertmp zroot/usr/home/user1
Then delegate permissions like this:
zfs allow -u user1 create,destroy,snapshot,rollback,clone,mount,send,receive zroot/usr/home/user1
Is this a reasonable process? Is there a slicker way to go about it? What about new user accounts?