How to config evilvte?

>whereis evilvte

>cd /usr/usr/ports/x11/evilvte
>sudo make config
===> No options to configure

Using google, I found I need to modify src/config.h to customize evilvte. Then do I have to manually install evilvte without using ports?

jb_fvwm2 said:
Read the Makefile... probably. But you may want to install other xterm-alikes also, saving time...
It works now. Thank you very much. I like evilvte because it is VERY lightweight and functional.

BTW, How can i use "Courier 10 Pitch" font ?
>cat [FILE]evilvte-config.h[/FILE] | grep -w FONT
//#define FONT    "Monospace 12"
#define FONT      "Courier 12"

I have tried :
#define FONT "'Courier 10 Pitch' 12"
#define FONT "\"Courier 10 Pitch\" 12"

But all doesnot work, up to now i have to use Courier instead.