how to change a library version number?

I want to use unicorn 1.0.2-rc3, when I use portdowngrade unicron to 1.0.2-rc3 and compile and install it, I also got unicorn 1.0.2 version from pkg info.
Some python module need use unicorn 1.0.2-rc3, how to change this version number?
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Change the python module to use version 1.0.2 without the -rcX part.
I cannot say how to do this since the python module is unknown.

P.S. Why do people insist on making software that depends on 'release candidates' rather than an official release of a dependent module?
no python module version , it's a package version,the unicorn is a freebsd package,but the package version is 1.0.2 release even if downgrade the oackage to rc3 the version still apper 1.0.2 but not 1.0.2rc3
I try to install pwm tools, it depends on unicorn package, it can't find unicorn 1.0.2rc3 or rc4 it will download from website but it can't compile unicorn from python website package.
i try to install pwm tools, it depends on unicorn package, it can't find unicorn 1.0.2rc3 or rc4 it will download from website but it can't compile unicorn from python website package.
You did not fully answer question from SirDice, so I ask a different question: where is source of pwm tools you are trying to install?
Perhaps pwm tools can be changed to look for unicorn 1.0.2 instead of 1.0.2rc3 or 1.0.2rc4.
it install really easy just python install ,but it compile unicorn faild,i dint know why.if you have some experience for it ,i really appreciate it
I have no experience with this unicorn, but let me say that "it compile unicorn faild" just isn't enough information.
I presume you're using ports to make it? In which case, why don't you show the output here, maybe I or someone else can help?