How to call users of FreeBSD?

I can't say I "like" it, but it's certainly a normal English way of referring to someone from BSD land. The personal noun would perhaps be BSDer. Since using a word for users of FreeBSD would likely be for the purpose of colouring the language a little, I think I'd be more inclined to use an alliteration or something a little more spicy, like FreeBeasties. :)
well, Beastie Boys is kinda taken, I think...and Geeks...well, a Geek is a Geek when nobody has computer trouble, otherwise they are Heroes...
well, Beastie Boys is kinda taken, I think...and Geeks...well, a Geek is a Geek when nobody has computer trouble, otherwise they are Heroes...

Yes, taken, as well as non-including towards women. Funny though:)

Ok, how about this: seeing as the logo is a daemon head, why not just call ourselves 'daemon heads'?
daemon heads'nt a daemon typically..headLESS? (ouch)

as per Wikipedia:

In multitasking computer operating systems, a daemon (/ˈdiːmən/ or /ˈdeɪmən/)[1] is
a computer program that runs as a background process, rather than being under the
direct control of an interactive user
The "not under direct control" bit seems tempting though LOL
Ummm, so, are there names like this for users of other OS? Apart from fanboys insulting users of OS they don't like, I have never heard any.
I saw Penguinistas mentioned on El Reg the other day and I wouldn't consider that insulting.
Always wanting to put a label on something? ;)

FreeBSD users or if you want to go the extra mileage FreeBSD fans. As for me, I'll stick with the regular and plain, boring, sysop / sysadmin / systems administrator "title". Because I like it when FreeBSD powers 'their' core systems while the brass thinks its all Linux or, better, Windows underneath.

Who needs attention anyway? All I care for is the knowledge that we're there in the first place ;)