how do you run STABLE for regular use?

I have guests installed with STABLE snapshots, for testing. These do not get my assortment of local patches and fixes, just the snapshot as it is provided. Mainly for comparison, to see if some flaw is present there also or comes from my own stuff. But also for evaluation and testing of applications.

Currently I try to understand some postgres scripts. But the STABLE (here: stable/13-n257574-32651946de0d GENERIC) appears to be almost unuseable.
Sometimes it does not boot at all - when it comes to start postgres, everything locks up and not even ping is answered (but all CPU is used), for some two or three minutes, or forever. The guest has 2 vCore, if I tell postgres to use only one, then it works. So it has trouble getting the two vCore sorted out, and postgres -running as an unpriviledged user- manages to entirely lock the kernel.

For now this doesn't bother me - I'll try to get those scripts into the shape I need, and then destroy and reinstall the guest. But if this were some installation supposed to be practically used, one would need to figure out what is going wrong. And that takes an amount of time - meanwhile that STABLE has gotten obsolete, as changes are pouring in. Doesn't seem manageable to me.
I have several -STABLE systems. But for production use I simply use -RELEASE versions. Much easier to update. The only reason I have some -STABLE systems is to keep an eye on developments and be prepared for the changes that will be included in the next minor release.

-STABLE works fine most of the time, it's just a bit more involved getting them updated. I update them at least twice a month, or more if I happen to be working on something.