How do I manually seed the FreeBSD RNG ?

I understand that the FreeBSD RNG is automatically seeded with various, robust sources of entropy.

I understand that I don't need to seed it and my seeding is probably worse than the default.

HOWEVER, just because I am curious, I wonder ...

I used to be able to set this sysctl:

sysctl -w kern.random.sys.seeded=0

.. and then start up sshd for the first time and I would be asked to mash the keyboard and type a page or two of gibberish to seed the RNG.

In 2019 with FreeBSD 12.1, how do I do that ? How can I manually seed the RNG with my own keyboard mashing, even though that's probably not the best choice of seed ?

So it would seem that this is no longer possible - one has to use the auto-rng-seeding and there is no other option ?