Solved How do I change the mount point for a ZFS pool?


When I created the pool, I set it to mount to /mystorage

zpool create -m /mystorage mypool raidz /dev/ada0 dev/ada1 /dev/ada2

But now I want the pool to mount to /myspecialfolder.

Any ideas how it can be done? I've searched the net and look at zpool() and zfs() manpages and found nothing.

I didn't realize I can change the mount point while the pool in in use. I thought I needed to export it first and then change the mount point during import. Thank you!
I didn't realize I can change the mount point while the pool in in use.

Changing ZFS mountpoints and renaming ZFS datasets is really just a matter of unmounting and re-mounting them, so standard filesystem mount rules do apply. If any files from the pool/dataset are open, or the pool/dataset is being written to, you can't change the mountpoint or name of the dataset.