How do FreeBSD boots or installs on EFI BIOS computer?

Hellow everybody:
I want to install 14.0 system, but the BIOS of the computer is EFI style, so it dost not accept the ISO DVD,
How do FreeBSD boots or installs on EFI BIOS computer?
Thank you very much!
EDIT: I left my original below, that said you need an .img file to burn to USB. As you can see from the two posts below this one, I was wrong. I'd just delete this post, as it was wrong, but that would confuse anyone coming to this thread in the future.

Just to mention, that if you do try a USB stick, download an .img or .img.xz file. FreeBSD's install mediums need either .iso or .img. Unlike most Linux installs, you can't download a .iso file and burn it to USB, you need the .img file.
Unlike most Linux installs, you can't download a .iso file and burn it to USB
Actually you can nowadays. Would still recommend using the memstick images for a USB though. They're set up slightly differently because an ISO is read-only.


This contains the base FreeBSD operating system. It also supports booting into a "livefs" based rescue mode. There are no pre-built packages.
Additionally, this can be written to a USB memory stick (flash drive) for the amd64 architecture and used to do an install on machines capable of booting off USB drives.
Unlike most Linux installs, you can't download a .iso file and burn it to USB, you need the .img file.
I'm using this method of installing FreeBSD or other unix-like system for years. Everything works just fine.
dd if=Path_to_FreeBSD.iso of=/dev/da0 bs=1M conv=noerror,sync status=progress
Hellow everybody:
I have downloaded the "FreeBSD-14.0-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img" and burned to a USB disk, then booted on the computer, it display "boot failure", if I boot on other computer(support MBR), booted successfully, and if I boot the computer using the USB disk with win11 installer(must have EFI style), it can be done.

In "FreeBSD-14.0-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img", has included "boot1.efi", may be it dost not work?

Thank you very much!