How can I know the boot date/time of my FreeBSD system?

I would like to know the date/hour when my FreeBSD performed the last boot via command-line .

I know about the
command, but it seems to report only the time spent since the booting, so I was wondering if there is any more direct method that does not require mathematical operations over dates .

On Unix systems, I think some files like
are created at boot, so I could just use their timestamps. But these files don't seem to exist on FreeBSD, and I don't know what are their equivalents.

Any ideas, please?
The man file of who says that option "-b" gives the time of the last re-boot. Whereas who -bTu or who -a shows the time of the system boot, not restricted to reboots.
The man file of who says that option "-b" gives the time of the last re-boot. Whereas who -bTu or who -a shows the time of the system boot, not restricted to reboots.
Good - you should always (try to) verify information yourself (as you have done here) instead of assuming that the information others give you is correct, complete and relevant.
Yes, my question was about FreeBSD, not pfSense; the
who -b
method worked fine on FreeBSD, but I have been able to try it too on pfSense, and I was assuming some pfSense user arriving here (some times, like when scripting, you do prefer the standard method, instead of the specific one) could use that info.

I will avoid speaking too about pfSense the next time, no problem.