How can I get direct rendering on FreeBSD 7.1 AMD64?

Hi, I tried the usual trick of adding the DRI section in xorg.conf but I still get errors. I built dri on my i386 install from ports/graphics but it didn't help.
I can't edit my reply or post the log. I keep getting this message:

Method Not Implemented

POST to /newreply.php not supported.
Apache/2.2.x (FreeBSD) Server at Port 80
This would be the primary problem:

[drm] failed to load kernel module "i915"

What's the output of 'kldstat', 'dmesg | grep drm' and 'ls -l /boot/kernel/i915.*' ?

kldstat is attached above, i915 and drm are both loaded.

-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   35592 Jan  1 09:01 /boot/kernel/i915.ko
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  348368 Jan  1 09:01 /boot/kernel/i915.ko.symbols

and nothing from dmesg | grep drm
Apparently drm does not support your model. It might be a simple matter of adding your device ID to the kernel.

# pciconf -lv|grep vgapci should show you the device ID. Then we can check weather it is listed in src/sys/dev/drm/drm_pciids.h. If not we should create a patch and if you test it successfully, write a PR to get this into the base system.

I had to do the same thing for my video card and I was told what to do by someone else who had once faced this problem.
here is the output of pciconf:

vgapci0@pci0:0:2:0:	class=0x030000 card=0x73831462 chip=0x29c28086 rev=0x10 hdr=0x00
vgapci1@pci0:0:2:1:	class=0x038000 card=0x73831462 chip=0x29c38086 rev=0x10 hdr=0x00

I am going over to the source file to check it now. Thanks very much.
It's not liste... See all the chips listed in the i915_PCI_IDS define? Your (0x29C2) isn't there.

It is, however, in the DRM tree in freedesktop git. You could give that a whirl.

You would need to have /usr/ports/devel/git installed, and then you can clone the repo with:

$ git clone git://

You may be able to get away with just:

$ cd drm/bsd-core
$ make
$ sudo make install

If it fails to build the modules, though, you might need to install libdrm in the previous directory (just drm).

randux said:
here is the output of pciconf:

vgapci0@pci0:0:2:0:	class=0x030000 card=0x73831462 chip=0x29c28086 rev=0x10 hdr=0x00
vgapci1@pci0:0:2:1:	class=0x038000 card=0x73831462  chip=0x29c38086 rev=0x10 hdr=0x00

I think this is known problem which have been properly addressed on 7 STABLE.
richardpl said:
I think this is known problem which have been properly addressed on 7 STABLE.

I don't think so. I'm running 7.1-RELEASE-p1 and that PCI ID (0x29C2) is not in drm_pciids.h


Recent 7 STABLE (it is different from 7.1-RELEASE) have drm in sync with CURRENT.

#define IS_G33(dev)    ((dev)->pci_device == 0x29C2 ||  \
                        (dev)->pci_device == 0x29B2 ||  \
                        (dev)->pci_device == 0x29D2)
Thank you richardpl. Can I just change the code and do the

$ cd drm/bsd-core
$ make
$ sudo make install

that adamk suggests?
Sorry guys for the dumb questions. It's my first time doing anything on BSD source.

I am supposed to add the #define to i915_drv.h correct?

And then I can't find the directory richardpl told me to change to. Is it already supposed to be here or do I need to use git. I didn't understand from your comment.

Well, it seems that it's already listed in 7-Stable. Maybe you should just csup RELENG_7 sources and give that a try:
# cd /usr/src/sys/modules/drm
# make
# make install clean

You probably need to reboot afterwards.
What kind of likelihood to break my system by syncing to releng and rebuilding? If it's not too likely, I will try it. Thanks for your help.
I recompiled after changing the header and it searches more cards in dev (/dev/card0, /dev/card1, /dev/cardn ...) but still doesn't work.

I guess I will try pulling down the RELENG_7 source if I can find out how to do that from the FreeBSD handbook and see what happens.
