Solved high temperature an fan is always running loud

This is a newly installed FreeBSD 13.1-p2 I have high temp and loud fan always running.

```                        `       j
  ` `.....---.......--.```   -/    ------------- 
  +o   .--`         /y:`      +.   OS: FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE-p2 amd64 
   yo`:.            :o      `+-    Uptime: 13 hours, 18 mins 
    y/               -/`   -o/     Packages: 1128 (pkg) 
   .-                  ::/sy+:.    Shell: csh tcsh 6.22.04 
   /                     `--  /    Resolution: 1920x1080 
  `:                          :`   DE: Plasma 5.24.6 
  `:                          :`   WM: KWin 
   /                          /    WM Theme: MoeDark 
   .-                        -.    Theme: [Plasma], Breeze [GTK2/3] 
    --                      -.     Icons: WhiteSur-nord-dark [Plasma], WhiteSur-nord-dark [GTK2/3] 
     `:`                  `:`      Terminal: konsole 
       .--             `--.        CPU: Intel i7-4710MQ (8) @ 2.494GHz 
          .---.....----.           GPU: GK208GLM [Quadro K610M] 
 Memory: 23253MiB / 32642MiB

Thanks for the help.
sysctl -a | grep temperature
hw.acpi.thermal.tz7.temperature: 0.1C
hw.acpi.thermal.tz6.temperature: 0.1C
hw.acpi.thermal.tz5.temperature: 84.1C
hw.acpi.thermal.tz4.temperature: 27.1C
hw.acpi.thermal.tz3.temperature: 85.1C
hw.acpi.thermal.tz2.temperature: 85.1C
hw.acpi.thermal.tz1.temperature: 60.1C
hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature: 70.1C

pciconf -lv | grep -B3 display
vgapci0@pci0:1:0:0:     class=0x030000 rev=0xa1 hdr=0x00 vendor=0x10de device=0x12b9 subvendor=0x103c subdevice=0x2254
    vendor     = 'NVIDIA Corporation'
    device     = 'GK208GLM [Quadro K610M]'
    class      = display

I don't think these thermal zones have anything to do with your graphics card, they're sensors on your mainboard. Lots of dust bunnies collecting in your system? Bad (or no) airflow in the case?
may be your are right i'm due for a cleaning i'll check it under the hood, but if I load windows for example I don't have this problem. under Linux too I was OK. That's why i wonder?? And it's not for complaining, I love my bsd. it's just a factual remark.
I don't think these thermal zones have anything to do with your graphics card, they're sensors on your mainboard. Lots of dust bunnies collecting in your system? Bad (or no) airflow in the case?
but if I load windows for example I don't have this problem. under Linux too I was OK.
Both may have a different fan profile. These temperatures might be normal, although 80+C is a little on the high side for my liking. But I've seen my SAS controller get around that temperature (don't have enough airflow in this case).
Both may have a different fan profile. These temperatures might be normal, although 80+C is a little on the high side for my liking. But I've seen my SAS controller get around that temperature (don't have enough airflow in this case).
Ok, I'll clean the computer, and i'll see if it's better after, for sure it is due for a cleaning. i never did once since i have that computer, it's been a while, thanks.
I don't think these thermal zones have anything to do with your graphics card, they're sensors on your mainboard. Lots of dust bunnies collecting in your system? Bad (or no) airflow in the case?
That was it, magic !

joshua@joshua:~ % sysctl -a | grep temperature
hw.acpi.thermal.tz7.temperature: 0.1C
hw.acpi.thermal.tz6.temperature: 0.1C
hw.acpi.thermal.tz5.temperature: 84.1C
hw.acpi.thermal.tz4.temperature: 24.1C
hw.acpi.thermal.tz3.temperature: 85.1C
hw.acpi.thermal.tz2.temperature: 85.1C
hw.acpi.thermal.tz1.temperature: 47.1C
hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature: 57.1C
I am always amazed at how quickly dust gets into everything. I try to keep some cans of air on hand that I simply start blowing into everything. Then I realize "should have put a mask on or started the vacuum."
the airs is full of life! it's crazy! we can't see it but we are in a storm of dust constantly!
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Yes, I've disassembled many laptops to extract dust and pet hair from the heat sink. Now that our dog is gone (may she RIP) cleaning the heat sink is as simple as a can of compressed air.

Some laptops require more disassembly than others to remove pet hair.
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You might have done this already, but sysutils/powerdxx is useful for throttling CPU speed based on temperature. I use this a ton on laptops, especially ones with turbos that heat up very quickly.

So an example that throttles gradually at 70 degrees and throttles hard at 80 degrees in /etc/rc.conf would be:
powerdxx_flags="-H 70:80 -t hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature"

It's crucial to point -t towards an appropriate sysctl value. It took me a while to work that out at first!
You might have done this already, but sysutils/powerdxx is useful for throttling CPU speed based on temperature. I use this a ton on laptops, especially ones with turbos that heat up very quickly.

So an example that throttles gradually at 70 degrees and throttles hard at 80 degrees in /etc/rc.conf would be:
powerdxx_flags="-H 70:80 -t hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature"

It's crucial to point -t towards an appropriate sysctl value. It took me a while to work that out at first!
Thanks i'll definitely take a look into it later, I didn't know about powerdxx..
the airs is full of life! it's crazy! we can't see it but we are in a storm of dust constantly!
My home tower servers are off the floor, on elevated platforms, with a fairly snug-fitting flat base, side rails, and four castors, much like a mechanic's garage creeper. This not only makes them easy to access, but also reduces dust accumulation, significantly.

I have also switched to using a better quality case with removable dust filters at all air entry points. Add strategically placed good quality PWM fans, and job done.