Hi , i am interesed in the freebsd code.

I am not a user of the os but i have interes in the code because is not copyleft.
I find the github repository where is supposed to be.
But there is a problem.
There is a gnu folder with gnl licensed tools code.
And it is supossed that it will turn all that code in gnl.
I read that you separate both the the freebsd from gnu tools. But in this case they are together. Where i can find the code without the gnu tools code? Where i can find the bsd licensed code of freebsd?
There is only one source tree.

There is only one source tree.

But then how i get a bsd licensed source?
I think OP would benefit from reading my Thread licensing-rant-debate-thread.90051. Admittedly, it covers generally licensing of software, and not making a distinction between sources and compiled binaries. Unfortunately, licensing is a hairy topic, so it can be difficult to decide what matters and what doesn't, and why.

For example, why would a rank-and-file user like OP even care about the licensing of GNU tools? the GNU tools have been ported to FreeBSD, and they work fine. Yeah, they work kind of different from what's included in FreeBSD's base, but they work fine.

And no, RMS is not gonna make noise about FreeBSD having a ported copy of GNU tools' source code... :rolleyes: